Sunday, December 16, 2012

Working in the gloom

Today was one of those days that hangs overhead with a large grey gloomy looming foggy sky.  The fog and mist and rain set in,  and with a little bit of luck you might find something to cheer you from the gloom.

The misty, rainy, gloomy days can be good for the soul if you allow their grayness to feel kindly enveloping rather than suffocating. I tend to like rain, the sound of rain and the feeling of a gloomy day. I like to think it is a time to make soup, nesting day. 

I might go to Barnes & Noble and people watch for awhile while sipping a grande tea latte. I did that today and pondered the direction of our little studio shop.

We would like to add jobs for Andrew - label making, typing an entry into Facebook - always we move slowly and determinedly - never knowing what jobs will make the cut and what jobs will not - those jobs remain ours while we push him to do more.

So today was a day of contemplation, reorganizing, and settling in for the long fog.

I made a wreath today for the barn door. Long overdue - had I waited any longer - Christmas would have passed wreathless! There are worse things, but one should stop and celebrate the season no matter the gloom and hectic rush. 

Gathered natural wreath decorations for the Barn Studio

Our "paper tree" adorned with paper ornaments and garlands. It will be planted for the birds after the holiday.
It is often  hard to understand life - but the best we can do is to continue to try.

Carpe diem  ~  Cate

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