Monday, February 10, 2014


Just a quick craft today to celebrate the romantic holiday fast approaching.

Sending Love....
Vintage Music paper 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Let it go....

Watching the snow fall again  I am always taken by  what snow can do for your inner soul - but only if you slow down to feel - listen - learn.

It blankets even the most crowded city street with a white sparkling blanket. It muffles noise and allows inner thoughts to be percolated without the intrusion of every day noises.  It settles cars in their driveways slumbering and waiting. It forces walks, talks and time to pause. It makes us STOP and it  makes us let go of  our usual routines.. settle in...pause...reflect and maybe be still in- watch and  learn.

 I hope we can enjoy it for what it is... a pause ... a break and a time to let go....

cate ~ peace