Monday, August 5, 2013

When you come to the end of all that you know....

I heard a little quote many years ago when I began the autism journey - little did I know the journey would become as arduous as it has - but the quote went like this...

When you come to the end of all that you know and are about to step out into darkness.... faith is knowing that you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.....

I often think about that when I am faced with those times that any step seems to be the wrong step or any step might pitch me into the precipice of the unknown.. a dark and unfamiliar world that I dread to enter.

The entire autism journey has been that way.. unknowing, unfamiliar, and uncomfortable ... never quite being sure which way to turn or path to take. It has not changed in 16 years and I don't expect it ever will.

Today I learned that Andrew's job coach and supporting team member is leaving.. so sad to see her leave. She has been on the Papercatz team for a year and I had hoped to have her in our lives longer... selfish of me I know ... but I hoped. I wish her well and will always appreciate the goodness she brought to our home.

It is difficult finding new personnel and when people work in your home every day they become more than personnel they become family.   I am sad to see her go, but hope that her future is bright and happy...

Scared... yes and unprepared always for what is next...


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