As much as the feverish ramp up to Holiday season leaves us gasping for air and pushing the midnight oil, I find I like it less and less... sad to feel that way.. but honestly I find myself yearning for a larger meaning to the whole spin of the season.
The stores begin to ramp up in October and there is a mad dash to get through Halloween, Thanksgiving and then the icing on the cake -- the crown of the holidays! Christmas. The packages get opened, the food gets eaten and with a big sigh, a few hugs, an Alka Seltzer or two it's over. Slamming the door on another year.
Could it be better? more memory making? sincere? simple? authentic? I'd like to think so, but it's hard to change years of history and store sabotage.
We had a simple tree in the barn - only 4 foot tall - fresh cut nearby - very dainty and simple - decked out in paper ornaments, garlands and pinecones. A larger tree stood outside dressed simply in lights. We made a bonfire in front of it on Christmas eve - but it was so chilly it was hard to sit there and not shiver! Wonderful snow flurries dressed the tree on the eve which was a magical event.
I truly long for a simple holiday - fresh snow falling, a panoramic view, a fire in the fireplace, a pie in the oven, and a simple enjoyment of friends/family bringing and sharing gifts from the heart and hands not stores.
I am going to try that next year and see what happens. Throw down the gauntlet to change the memories and create a new ideal Christmas holiday.
Papercatz tree in barn studio-decked out with paper and nature themed ornaments. |
pinecone decked out in sparkle-sparkly paper birds |
burlap cardinal with clothespin |
cranberry and evergreen mason jar with simple light table decoration |